Welcome to Meritorious Education Network - Pakistan


Our curriculum incorporates a wide range of ideas and concepts hence allowing students to practically implement acquired concepts, to develop their skills and explore new ventures and recreational opportunities.

The core values of ethics and morality are embedded in our system hence promoting empathy, distinction between right and wrong, discipline and of course tolerance for diversity.

Art and music classes are an opportunity for development and nurturing of the aesthetic sense of young individuals. This is the stage where ears learn to appreciate and distinguish between sounds, eyes become accustomed to beauty and fingers convert the intangible into the tangible.

Reading and listening sessions in the library and video room strengthen the concentration level and enable students to comprehend and appreciate a variety of text. This literary sense when triggered at this tender age goes on to create great speakers and writers.

Apart from mental grooming we lay great emphasis on physical activity and fitness. For this purpose many sports activities are scheduled on a daily basis. These include swimming, yoga, aerobics and games. Simple skills such as jumping, skipping, running, kicking, catching and throwing can contribute to a healthy body and mind. Students become reflexive, agile and they build up their stamina. Life skills such as teamwork, respect for property and patience are also enhanced.

Technology is no doubt an inevitable part of a child’s life though the effective usage is highly beneficial for children. The use of tools and teaching techniques via computers generally adds a creative element to all lessons while students learn to appreciate the positive use of technology.

Integration of the above mentioned areas creates a complete strategy for character building and knowledge infusion.